Wednesday, March 28, 2007

When "Mummy & Daddy" is lost

Kids should ever be left alone in this world to defend for themselves. Neither should any kid be deprived of parental love, for in this hostile world of ours, perhaps one of the most secure terms that all of us can hold on to is “Mummy & Daddy”. But, what happens when the symbol of the greatest security becomes the most horrifying one?

She came into class, feeling responsible for all the problems that her parents are facing in their marriage. She felt that it’s all her fault that her parents are unemployed. What did she do? She stole from the teacher! She was sick and tired of what’s been happening in her home and so, she stole, hoping that bringing something home would somehow bring a smile to her parents’ faces.

How delicate are the lives of the young ones. Kids walk into our lives with different experiences and backgrounds, and sometimes, we fail to respond according to their needs because they often seem cheerful and happy. But, when we really start looking deep down at the condition of their souls, we will find that most of them are just hungry for a touch of love. All they want is for people to show them a little more loving kindness and to value them for who they are.

I reckon children’s lives are like vases- valuable and fragile. A vase that is broken will forever be left scarred and marked. Similarly, children’s life can be forever marked and scarred if they come to a point where their lives are being stretched almost beyond what they can bear. No doubt we can try to piece the broken bits back together again, but no matter how well you do it; there will always be that mark there.

I only have 12 more days before I finish my attachment in this school. There are so many things that I wish I could do for these kids, but not only do I have limited time; I also have boundaries, which I cannot cross. Nonetheless, I pray that with all the time that I have left, I will take pleasure in investing all that I have to give them a glimpse of what God’s love is all about. For each one of them, no matter what is happening in their lives, may God help me be as accommodating as I can in all possible ways and hopefully, it will serve as an encouragement for the kids to continually make the best out of their lives no matter what the circumstance.


Sarah.... said...

My dear godsis, I feel the same. Sometimes you can't tell anything from your students' faces until you probe deeper. Sometimes the happy-go-lucky smiles are just cover-ups for hurting insides. Being a teacher, you're in such a tremendous position to lend a listening ear and to offer healing advice. Sometimes all they need is just a hug and affirmation that someone cares. I'm proud of you for seeing your teaching job the way you do. Keep it up, and we'll have a long chat online when you finish your teaching. I've just finished my teaching stint last week. Take care, dear!

serene said...

Thanks sarah for the encouragement! Like you've said, being a teacher really puts you in a tremendous position and therefore, I believe it requires a great deal of support and encouragement from people too. So, thank you, my dear godsis! =)