Freedom…a common thing we all long for in life. But what is freedom? Does it mean being able to do and say things, or choose whatever we want? A life without any restrictions or limits- is this really what freedom is all about? Somehow, the more I think about it, the more I disagree with that definition.
In our world, many live their lives without any boundaries. More often than not, such liberty eventually results in negative behaviours like bullying, drug abuse, drinking, and pornography. Very soon, these behaviours become a habitual thing, and the one who gets caught up with them are enslaved by them, for they find no ability to control their habits. When this happens, will we be able to honestly say that this is freedom?
Perhaps it is fair for me to say that in reality, human freedom is a very limited freedom. It can only lead us to become slaves to negative acts, feelings and behaviours- sin. Conversely, God’s freedom is the real freedom we yearn for. His truths illuminate the true meaning of free living and thus, keep us from sin’s destructive bondages.
The Bible says that we become slaves to whatever we give ourselves to (Romans 6:16). We can be slaves to God and be free from the bondage of sin, for the truth will set us free. Alternatively, we can be free from God and be slaves to the bondage of sin. This is a choice we each have to make. Which one will you choose?