Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Knowledge VS Wisdom

Our present culture promotes the idea of how knowledge itself is power. The more knowledge you have, the more powerful you are because then, you can use it for your own purposes. For this reason, it becomes usual to equate knowledge with wisdom. But, there is actually a great difference in the two of them. We can be the smartest person alive; having all kinds of knowledge, yet be the most foolish person alive at the same time when we waste our knowledge on doing the wrong things.

The Bible encourages us to equip ourselves with knowledge, but, with the right kind of knowledge. True wisdom is more than just knowing God because it also involves the proper interpretation and application of knowledge in our everyday life. It is the principal thing; the basis and foundation from whence everything else springs, and therefore, we are to seek it above all things (Prov 4:7). Knowledge without wisdom is but a powerless tool in God’s eyes.

Thus, the highest form of learning in life is the learning of wisdom and in order to obtain it, one must have the desire to want it; to be willing to sacrifice all that he has- wealth, desires, time, energy, resources. It is expensive and costly, and it may perhaps take more pains and hard work in comparison to the worldly things being pursued in life right now, but hey, guess what, in return, God is giving us all that He has! He promises a long life to those who earnestly seek it, and health for their souls.

Perhaps being wise is better than being smart, for I have seen many smart people messing around with sin even though they know that it is wrong. It is silly, but it happens. Sometimes, I fall into that trap too. It shows how choosing wisdom is not just an once-in-a-lifetime decision, but a daily commitment to the Lord in choosing between two paths:- the righteous or the wicked.

And so, dear Lord, teach me Thy way; unite my heart to fear Thy name for to fear Thy name is to hate evil. Grant me wisdom & understanding; direction & guidance in all that I say and do in life. Amen.


Wei Zhi said...

At least you still show your wisdom by being committed to blog as to keep your new year's resolution... My blogs so running low on posts lolz ^^

serene said...

haha! is either u too lazy or you too busy.. which one are you? =P