Saturday, March 3, 2007

Why learn?

Don't we sometimes love to question the relevance of some of the subjects that are taught in schools? For example, History. I never liked studying world history and so, I remember that when I was back in high school, I always asked, "Why do I have to study this when I'm not even going to use it in my future?" Obviously, I wasn't interested to know the answer, but just asking for the sake of arguing, hoping I could get my way through it somehow.

Likewise, in many other situations, we may not understand why we have to learn certain things, especially when we do not see their connections with our future. There is certainly some truth in that because many of us will now have very little memory of what we have learnt back in our schooling days. For some, it could also well be that they have no recollection of what they have learnt at all! =P

But, maybe God wants us to see the significance that learning has in itself. Perhaps He wants us to learn, to study & experience the process of learning, so that we can come to know Him more with the knowledge we have gained about the process of learning. It is possible that He wants us to apply the knowledge we have about the learning process to study- to wonder, observe & reflect upon His Word since the Bible is the foundation of every true knowledge in life.

It is amazing to see how God can use every lesson & experience in life to teach us more about His work amongst men. I really do have a great and awesome God!


bionicshistrionics said...

Just a bit of a sharing of what my pastor said today...

There are many modes of learning thru life experiences in which GOD intervenes and shows us HIS grace and mercy, to teach us to learn to have faith and place our trust on HIM during and after the event itself.

A man got robbed (apparently a famous Christian book writer in which I've forgotten the name) and the first words were not complains, but that of thanksgiving... Four statements he uttered in his book goes like this...

(1) I thank God that my life was spared
(2) I thank God that although the person robbed me, he did not robbed me all, but only a bit from me
(3) I thank God that up till now I was never robbed before
(4) I thank God that I was not the one who did the robbing

Yeah, you can see that this person is finding all the opportunities he can to thank GOD. That's learning and thanksgiving in the process =)

serene said...

hey symeon!
Thanks for sharing. Yea, I guess thats why God asks us to always give thanks no matter what circumstances we may be in. Once we start viewing things from His perspective, we'll find thatthings are not actually that bad after all! =)