Friday, November 2, 2007

His faithfulness endures forever

You know, in times of difficulties, when my faith seem to be at the weakest point, I am so, so glad that He doesn’t just brush me aside and make me go through them alone. He patiently waits for me to come back to Him; to recognize His awesome and powerful presence in my life again. No matter how long or where I am, He unwearyingly waits for me to wake up to the fact that He is with me and have a refreshing conversation with Him.

God said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." ~Hebrews 13:5

I believe Him.
I believe that until the very end of my days,
He will have me and hold me;
Encourage me, support me;
Counsel me, advise me;
Guide me, direct me;
Protect me, defend me;
Prosper me, succeed me.
Whether in good times or bad times,
In sickness or in health,
In laugher or in tears,
I believe that He will be by my side…always.

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