Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Being strong & courageous

The life of a Christian is perhaps the most demanding of all in terms of courage. Especially in a world that is so hostile towards the Word of God, one who truly yearns to reside the way of Christ probably needs the most courage to live.

As Christians, we are called to be different; to stand against the tide. We are continuously challenged to live outside our comfort zone, while at the same time remain faithful in our commitment to Christ. As such, sacrifice and pain are indispensable as we strive to live justly for God and uphold His commandments in loving Him and others. Concurrently, there is always that sense of fear within us, be it towards something or someone, that tries to hinder us from following our heart and God’s calling to the best of our capability.

I know that most of the times, I fear the pain that will befall me, knowing that hardships are inescapable as a Christian. It is not so much about the physical pain I’m afraid of, but the emotional pains and mental struggles that I will have to confront. Nonetheless, I am reminded that such trials are necessary to bring one to spiritual maturity. Plus, it is only in painful situations that virtues of a courageous spirit be made evident. For if an act is devoid of pain, why would courage still be needed?

In all the coming seasons of my life, I pray that by God’s grace, I will find courage to face whatever new fears and concerns that I will have to deal with. Courage, after all, isn't the absence of fear, but rather, it is the commitment to continue standing firm for Him regardless of the cost and circumstance.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Good post. "Nonetheless, I am reminded that such trials are necessary to bring one to spiritual maturity." -- Spot on.

The cost of discipleship is high, very high. Be strong and courageous, Serene!