Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A cheerful heart

The condition of one’s heart, whether good or bad, is usually noticeable on the face or through spoken words. In saying this, a heart that is filled with the cheer of the Lord often brings about a glowing & smiling face that doesn’t changes in spite of negative situations. Such is an evidence of Christ-like character- a calm and right attitude, which comes only from humility, contentment & trust in the provision and providence of God.

It is a kind of manner I’ve always yearned for and still am aiming to pursue in my daily life. But sometimes, it is just difficult to lighten up. When unhelpful and discouraging things happen, my heart seems to have a higher tendency to relent to frustrations and worry. Harsh words, unkind treatment, whether self-imposed or inflicted by others, are the kind of things that triggers fears in my heart; fears that that prevent me from radiating God’s joy.

In instances like these, I have to keep reminding myself that “a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Prov 17:22). I have to look to God for His grace to rekindle cheerfulness in my heart and strength to help me sustain joy in the midst of challenging situations. Above all, I have to remind myself that to have a cheerful heart is a choice I have to make. It is my decision to make, to whether I want to persevere or quit; to forgive or resent.

Someone once said to me that it is absolutely absurd to have a joyless Christian, and I have to agree with that. Hence, I pray that God will continually help me make it a habit to be contented over my work and cheerful about my duties. May my heart and soul consistently find delight in Him and not be given to weary murmurings.

1 comment:

bionicshistrionics said...

Sometimes like you do mention, life don't just get in your way like how ideal we would want it... and when it doesn't, seemingly one would feel depressed and frustrated...

I'm going thru one of these situations, being unjustly treated among colleagues in my workplace, and it's particularly hard to accept such a bitter pill to swallow and taking things as though nothing has happened and go on with work like normal... the cheer is just not there anymore and time is needed to heal...

But I'm glad that I found out that you've just written something about it and it is not by coincident that I do. God bless! And Happy CNY!