Tuesday, April 22, 2008

When all choices seem good

Here I am, standing at the crossroad in life. Choices are before me and they aren’t just simple choices. These choices will determine my future; my career path. But even after weighing the pros and cons in all of the options I have, I still can’t decide which of these choices will be the better one. They all look pretty good to me.

Sometimes, I wish that I can fully know the consequences of each option in advance so then I can be certain of my future. But, realistically speaking, I know that’s not how God works. For life’s uncertainties is what draws me to continually pray and trust in Him. They keep us from being overly self-confident.

Perhaps the most important choice I can make right now is whether or not I’ll choose to trust in Him, be open and willing to do His will no matter what situation I’ll be in. Life is made up of different seasons and along each season, changes occur. But, I need to remember that each season does not alter my identity in Christ; they only change the circumstances I am in.

A pastor once said,
“When your heart is right and you are faced with two good choices, take either one you like. And trust God with the result. If the heart is willing, the decisions of life will take care of themselves because God will direct your steps exactly where he wants you to be.”

Yes, Lord, just keep me from making foolish decisions and direct me in the right way that I should go. Amen.

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