Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Baby blogger

This shall be my first new challenge of the year. I have been bugged by a few people to start blogging but I've never really got down to do so. Writing has never been my interest and previously, I've always thought of blogging as a hobby for weird people. But, I've also seen how blogging can leave a positive impact on others' lives. I know for sure that I have been blessed by reading other people's blogs. And so, I hope I will be able to do so with my own blog too. I hope this journey of reflective writing will also encourage me to think deeper into things, to discover more interesting facts about life & God that is usually hidden below the surface of the many things I see and experience in my daily life.

My new year resolutions?

  1. As much as I want to receive many many blessings from people, I hope that I can be a blessing to others. I want God to use my life just the way He wants, to bless my friends, family & also people whom I will come to know.
  2. I want to be diligent in building my relationship with God and also with others. I believe that one of the most important essence in finding meaning in life is through relationships.
  3. Lastly, I hope to use blogging as a new area where I can contribute in building God's kingdom.


Dan said...

Congrats congrats. Welcome to the world of blog.Will be waiting for more to come, HOPE we are not seeing the last of you. :)

Sarah.... said...

Welcome to the blogworld, my dear godsis! If blogging is a hobby for the weird, you're now one of them! =)

Thanks for the time we spent together today...I really appreciate your friendship.