Sunday, July 8, 2007

Rubber band theology

As Christians, I believe that we can only walk in disobedience for so long. Of course, the longer we walk away, the bigger the consequences will be. There’s a saying that goes, “It’s all a rubber band theology”. The Lord has a rubber band around us to keep us close to Him, but we can stretch it. We can move away; we can distance ourselves from Him, but he won’t let us go no matter what. The question is, when will we snap back and how hard will the impact be. Imagine having a rubber band around your wrist. The further we pull the band away from the wrist, the more it hurts when it snaps back.

God gives us the liberty to go our own way, to wander away occasionally. However, He also gives us the chance to come back to Him. Ultimately, we will be drawn back to Him because we have His seed, grace and image implanted & stamped in us. We belong to Him, He owns us. It doesn’t mean that as a believer, we no longer have the ability to do wrong. No, it is not possible to live without sin. However, it does mean that a true Christian will never willingly live in a continued course of sin with great enjoyment.

Sin will only bring negative consequences into our lives. There’s no doubt about that. The Holy Spirit knows this and that’s why He grieves whenever we sin. It is also the reason why He is in us to prompt us to do the right thing for He knows that sin will only break us. We can choose not to go His way, but, mind you, the more we distant ourselves, the greater the pain will be. When the time comes when we get yanked back again, like the rubber band in our wrist, the only word we are left to say is perhaps “OUCH!” since it was our choice to stretch it; there’s no one whom we can blame it upon.