Sunday, May 11, 2008

The perfect mum for me

I like shorts and jeans, but she prefers skirts and dresses. I like sleeping with an extra pillow or bolster, but, to her, it’s just a bizarre habit since mine usually ends up the other side of the bed or on the floor anyway. Give us a choice between two bean paste buns, and for sure she’ll grab the red bean one, while I’ll grab the lotus bean one.

We both have our differences, my mum and I, and as such, I didn’t always understand her. I suppose she didn’t always know what to make of me either, in view of the fact that arguments & disagreements are not foreign in our mother-daughter relationship.

Nonetheless, in spite of all our differences- in interests, preferences and routines, I believe that she is the perfect mum for me. Not to imply that she is perfect in every way coz’ none of us can be. However, because knowing that God is perfect and thus, cannot make mistakes, I believe that He has specially placed me in mum’s life and hers in mine for a good cause; a good reason. Even before I was born, He’s planned for our lives to intertwine and bond in this way.

There’ll be times when we’ll argue; resent and get angry at one another; and times where we’ll misunderstand each other. But deep down, we both know how much we love and treasure each other. Perhaps these differences are just God-designed differences to help us both grow more in His likeness. God does works in unexpected ways anyway.

Happy Mother’s Day, mum.

With much love & hugs,


Wei Zhi said...

wah! you two look so alike! how can be different?? =P

Teabie said...

U are the photocopy of your mom! :D