Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hoping for the best

It’s been two weeks now since the Virginia Tech massacre happened, but many are still shaking in terror. As much as we would like to manage all the possible frightening situations facing us, we simply cannot. It is impossible, unattainable. We do not have the power to control all the actions happening around us.

It probably has hit many of our minds, thinking of the question how our loving God can allow this brutal event to take place when He has all the power in the world to stop it. And, no matter how hard we try to get about answering it, we merely cannot find one. It’s like a puzzle with missing bits; a mystery that maybe could only be solved when we see Him face to face one day.

We may never fully understand why God allows suffering, but one thing I think we can all find comfort in- knowing that He did not exclude Himself from it. When Christ died on the cross, He suffered the most excruciating pain of all; like dying a thousand deaths. It probably is the worst form of death any man can and will ever experience, yet, He chose to expose Himself to it. The nails didn’t keep Him there; His love did. I guess this is probably one of the things that have been keeping me going on so far in life- knowing that He is not unfamiliar with whatever pain and suffering I may be experiencing. After all, He suffered the worst.

With so much of life happening outside of our control, the best thing we can do is perhaps to learn to trust God’s sovereignty for nothing can happen to us unless they first pass through His sovereign hands. I truly believe that there will come a day when God will wipe every tear away from our eyes; when death is gone for good, and so are mourning, crying & pain (Rev 21:4).

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