Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mistakes, failures & weaknesses

Finally, it’s over. After 3 weeks of teaching prac, it is finally over! It is quite a relief that the days of massive paper work is over for now although it had been a meaningful prac for me. Most importantly, I’m glad that my supervisors saw an improvement in me at the end of the 3 weeks. No doubt that there had been downs, failures, and mistakes during my prac, but I guess that’s what it’s all about- learning from my mistakes and turning them into lessons for something better.

I have to say, it certainly was difficult, to have to face with my mistakes and acknowledging my weaknesses. There had been many times when I just so wanted to give up as I grew to know of my limitations. But then again, I knew that it is only in my weaknesses that God’s strength is seen, and it is only through those mistakes I can learn to improve myself. I believe that mistakes are only truly mistakes when we fail to learn from them.

I guess it is the same with our spiritual walk with Him. We have an earnest desire to walk with our God, to progress and move forward as we walk towards Him, but sometimes, we feel like losing ground because of the tough challenges that seem to weigh us down over and over again. During those times, moving beyond these barriers and fully embracing an active, moving faith may seem impossible. But, thankfully God has given us this wonderful privilege to see things from His perspective. I reckon this is one of the greatest blessings we can have being His child- to be able to understand things with the mind of Christ. It gives us an eternal frame of mind that frees us from the captivity of time. It gives us hope, for we know that whatever we are going through right now will not go unnoticed; they will eventually have eternal consequences.

We may make mistakes and we may lack many things, but that’s alright. None of us is perfect. Perhaps what matters most is to do the best we can with what we’ve got while at the same time, faithfully trusting God to mould us as He wishes. Somehow, I think that when God is looking for people to do His work, He is more interested in their “availability”, rather than their “ability”. No matter how little we have, He can still do a lot, that’s if He has all there is of it.


sernwang said...

dear sis i must really say you really can write very well... im really convinced this is one of your gifts... keep up the good work.. words can touch many many lives...

Unknown said...

Thank you for the words of your post. I am in the middle of a small spiritual crisis in terms of faith in my pastor. Your post gave me pause to pray about the situation and allow the Lord's will to enter. I do not like the feeling of not trusting a pastor and need to find God's strength and understanding for me to get past that so I can more clearly see Christ. Thanks again