Monday, May 14, 2007

My commitment to mum

Throughout the past week, the children in my class had been spending lots of time making and decorating Mother’s Day vouchers. These vouchers are to be given to their mothers and on each vouchers, the children had to write one thing that they would do for their mum in exchange for the voucher. It was quite amusing to read some of the things these children wrote. Most of them wrote “I’ll wash the dishes” or “I’ll clean my room” and one of them even wrote “I’ll be quiet for 3 minutes”! There was another boy who totally blew me away as he wrote the word ‘once’ at the end of every voucher he made so that his mum will not try to use it more than once. I laughed, hard!

Today, I gave my mum a voucher too; a voucher of my lifetime love for her. This is the commitment I’ve made towards her, to thank her for all the sacrifices she has made for the family. I want to continually show her respect through loving words and acts of kindness, to be humble and obedient to her as long as God allows me- this is my way of honoring her. She may not have brought me up the way I had hoped she had, but it doesn’t matter. She did what she thought was best to her at that time and likewise, all of us are just living our lives in the best way we know how. I believe mum has had her hardships and challenges, too that could have affected her ability to offer what I needed or wanted.

Mum’s greatest desire for me and my brothers now is for us to live a life devoted to Jesus. She hopes to see us walk in His ways, living a surrendered life wholly unto Him. As we daily commit ourselves to Him, I know that she is honored as well, for nothing brings her more joy than to see her children growing stronger in the Lord. I know there will be times when I will fail to live up to this commitment that I have made, but I pray that the Holy Spirit will help me continually love her with a genuine and sincere heart. Only He can help me express an unconditional and undying love for her.

I love you, mum.


sernwang said...

wow... that was so touching... wonderful idea for the voucher thing... take good care there

bionicshistrionics said...

Hehe... kids really do the farniest things hehe =P